How to Write Better Essays: 5 Practical Tips

Read this article and discover the most effective practical tips for learning how to write better essays with ease and getting higher grades for your essay writing assignments.

How to Write Better Essays: 5 Practical Tips

Many students think they know how to write essays. And some of them do, for sure. But do they know how to write good essays that deserve high grades? Most likely, they don’t. If you would like to learn how to write better essays and get higher grades for your essay writing assignments, then read on because in this article you will discover the best practical tips for writing better essays and getting higher grades for your essay writing assignments.

The Best Practical Tips for Writing Better Essays

Writing essays is both a science and art. Few people can become good at writing right away without any beforehand training and practice. For this reason, most students who want to get good at writing essays should learn the most effective tips for writing great essays before they actually start writing.

Alternatively, there is always an option to purchase a custom written essay using services like and forget about having to do all the hard work yourself. Nevertheless, if you are still determined to learn our practical tips for crafting better essays, you are welcome. So here you go:

  • Don’t put off your assignment until the last minute
  • Choose a topic you are passionate about
  • Read before you write
  • Don’t start to write without an outline
  • Keep a proper structure within paragraphs

Don’t Put Off Your Assignment Until the Last Minute

We all know that most students are terrible at getting things done on time. Students are great procrastinators. Is that about you as well? In any case, if you want to complete your essay writing assignment and get a high grade, this is the very first tip you must remember and follow.

No matter how great you are at writing essays, if you fail to submit your paper on time, you are unlikely to get a high grade for your work, and your paper might even get rejected in some cases depending on how strict your instructor is.

Therefore, don’t put off writing your essay until the last day before the deadline. Start working on your assignment as soon as you get it. Get your paper completed in advance. All of these measures will ensure that you complete your writing assignment successfully.

Choose a Topic You Are Passionate About

Many students are said to be lazy when it comes to doing their assignments. This is not true. There are no lazy people; there are just people who are not passionate about what they are doing. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to do your writing, then you are probably not really passionate about writing a paper on that particular subject.

On the other hand, if you have chosen a subject that you find interesting to work upon then you will most likely find it very easy to do your writing and complete your assignment. Passion is energy, and that’s why choosing a topic that you are passionate about gives you extra energy to complete your assignment successfully with ease.

Therefore, select a topic that you are enthusiastic about, and you will find it a lot easier to write your paper successfully.

Read Before You Write

Read before you write? What does that mean? What are you supposed to read before you write especially when there is nothing to read yet because you have not written a word? Let us explain. Before you start writing, you have to have some basic understanding of the topic of your paper.

If you don’t have extensive knowledge of the chosen subject, then it is a good idea to conduct research and read other sources on your topic. This will give you basic knowledge and understanding of your theme as well as provide you with new ideas for your writing.

Don’t Start to Write Without an Outline

Starting to write without a plan is perhaps the biggest mistake that most students make when writing an essay. How can you write anything, if you do not know exactly what you are going to write and how? For this reason, it is very important that you create a basic outline of your paper before you start writing.

Start with the basic structure: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Then start breaking down the text into smaller parts with headings and subheadings keeping one idea to a paragraph. Now you’ve got a clear outline of your paper, and you can finally start writing.

Keep a Proper Structure Within Paragraphs

Every paragraph in an academic text has to adhere to a certain structure that is required by the rules of academic writing. In most cases, every paragraph should start with an introductory sentence where you briefly describe the main idea of the paragraph. Next, you add your ideas and support them with arguments and evidence.

Finally, you end a paragraph with a concluding sentence where you summarize how the ideas presented in the paragraph support and relate to your main thesis.

Final Thoughts

Essay writing assignments may be difficult for some students. But if you know the right tips, then you can easily complete your essay writing assignment with ease and get a high grade for your paper. Now that you have discovered those tips, all you have to do is put in the work, write your paper, submit it and enjoy your high grades.

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