Facts about German Cockroach, American Cockroach, Palmetto Bug

Palmetto Bug

What are the cockroaches?

The Cockroaches belong to the order Blattodea. Blattodea is an order of insects that contains cockroaches and termites. Formerly, the termites were considered a separate order, Isoptera, but genetic and molecular evidence suggests an intimate relationship with the cockroaches, both cockroaches, and termites having evolved from a common ancestor.

How many species of cockroaches are there?

There are total 4600 species of the cockroach. Out of 4600 total species of cockroach 30 species belong to human habitats and 4 species are considered as pests.

How long have cockroaches been around?

The cockroaches belong to an ancient group, some 320 million years back. Scientific classification of the cockroaches reveals that they belong to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, Insecta class, Dictyoptera superorder and Blattodea order. The scientific name and biological name of cockroach are usually same and depend upon the species of the cockroach. The scientific name of Indian cockroach refers to a scientific name of all those species of cockroach that are found in India.

Special adaptations such as sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs are not present in the cockroaches. They fall in the generalized category of insects. How many legs cockroach have? Like all other insects, cockroaches have 6 legs.

What is the lifespan of a cockroach?

The lifespan of cockroach generally depends upon the species of cockroach we are talking about. The average lifespan of cockroach varies from species to species.

The cockroaches can sustain a wide variety of environments whether is arctic cold or tropical heat. The cockroaches are considered as the hardiest insects and are much bigger in size as compared to temperate species. Adaptability to a variety of environment is one of the important characteristics of a cockroach.

Varieties of species of the cockroach live in a wide variety of habitats around the world and are inoffensive, still, the cockroaches are represented as dirty pests.

Generally, the cockroaches are of the size of a thumbnail, except some species which are bigger in size. Australian cockroaches are known as ‘Macropanesthia rhinoceros’ is the world’s heaviest cockroach. The length of this Australian cockroach can be up to 9 cm and 30 g or more in its weight. Cockroach size depends upon the species to which it belongs.

Some of the species of the cockroach can have an extensive social structure which includes common shelter, social dependence, and kin recognition etc. one such species of the cockroach is German cockroach.

Where do cockroaches hide?

The cockroaches live in a variety of places such as leaf litters, stems of matted vegetation, rotting wood, holes in stumps, and cavities under bark, under log piles and in debris. Some species of the cockroaches can even survive without water and some live only under water.

Cockroach in the bathroom, cockroaches in the kitchen, baby roaches in the kitchen, baby roaches in the bathroom, cockroach in drains and seeing cockroach eggs at places are also signs of cockroach infestation.

Human being breathes through lungs, bur cockroach has no such organ provided to them. Cockroaches have tubes connected with their spirals. Cockroach breathes through these tubes. Spirals allow air to the body of the cockroach. Thus we can also say cockroach breathe through spirals.

American Cockroach, German Cockroach

Cockroach reproduction takes place through a process called cockroach mating. The process of cockroach mating depends on the type of species and its duration varies from species to species.

Examples of household cockroach are German cockroach, American cockroach, Australian cockroach and oriental cockroach.

German cockroach, brown-banded cockroach, oriental cockroach and American cockroach falls under the pest species of the cockroach.

What do cockroaches eat?

  • Cockroaches can almost eat everything find and are not choosy in eating foodstuff.
  • The cockroach can be omnivorous as they feed on both plants and animals.
  • Whatever they find littered on the floor or in your kitchen can be the food of cockroach.
  • Most of the cockroaches prefer eating sugary food items, food containing lot of starch and things made up of glue.
  • Fermented food items are also most chosen food stuff among some species of cockroach.
  • The cockroach also feed on garbage, dead skin of animals and decaying material.
  • Some cockroach also bites human beings, although their bites are usually harmless and cause only a red mark on skin. Sometimes may cause allergy or irritation to people with sensitive skin.
  • In great scarcity of food, some species of cockroach even eat their own young cockroach.
  • Due to their selection of food items, the cockroach is also known as omnivorous scavengers.

Do cockroaches fly?

  • Although majority of species of the cockroach has wings, but not all cockroaches can fly.
  • The main reason behind this can be their heavy bodies.
  • Some cockroaches can fly over shorter distances.
  • Some species of the cockroach use wings to glide from one distance to another rather using them for flying.
  • Cockroaches generally fly when they get highly disturbed while in other cases they chose to run.
  • American cockroach is one such species of cockroach that can fly but only for short distances.
  • Asian cockroach, smoky brown cockroach and wood cockroach are capable of flying.
  • Cuban cockroach is another category of the cockroach that can fly.

Some common questions:

How long can a cockroach live without food?

  • The cockroach can live without food for around 1 month.
  • The cockroach can live without water for 1 week.

How long can a cockroach live without its head?

  • The Cockroach can survive without its head for 1 week.
  • Cockroach breathes through spirals so they do not require had fo breathing, thus can survive for 1 week without it.

Can cockroaches jump?

  • Yes, some species of cockroaches can jump.
  • They use their wings to jump.
  • Can cockroaches swim?

Can cockroaches swim?

  • Yes, some species of cockroach can swim.
  • When underwater, cockroach can survive by holding their breath for 40 min.

Do cockroaches smell?

  • Yes, cockroaches also smell.
  • This smell can be taken as signs of cockroach infestation in house.

Types of cockroaches

As stated earlier, there are 4600 species of the cockroach. Some of the most common seen categories of the cockroach are as follows:

German cockroach
German cockroaches are light brown in color, and can not cooperate with cold temperature.
American cockroach
American cockroaches are reddish brown in color, are found in sewer and drains.
Oriental cockroach
Oriental cockroaches are shiny and dark in color and enters the house through drain pipes and sewers.
Brown-banded cockroach
Brown banded are found in the United States and lives in warm water.

Sea cockroach, lobster cockroach, Brazilian cockroach, smoky brown cockroach, Cuban cockroach are some other types of cockroaches that can be found.

German cockroach

German Cockroach

Image Source: doyourownpestcontrol

The scientific name of German cockroach is Blattella germanica. German cockroach belongs to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, Insecta class, Blattodea order, and Ectobiddae family with Blattella as genus.

German cockroach is 1.1 to 1.6 cm in length and is usually found in tan or black color. German cockroach has streaks on the pronotum which runs between the head and the base of the wing. German cockroach glides when gets disturbed and rarely fly.

Can German cockroaches fly? German cockroach is generally mistaken as Asian cockroach as both have similar appearance. The difference between German cockroach and Asian cockroach is that Asian cockroach can fly but German cockroach cannot fly.

German cockroach cannot handle cold temperature and are generally found in houses of human, restaurants, areas where food is processed, hotels and even sometimes in nursing homes. It is the most common cockroach found in households.

Evidences reveal that German cockroaches were first seen in Southeast Asia. German cockroach is believed to exist over 300 million years. German cockroaches are also known as Russian roach in Germany.

German cockroach falls under the category of omnivorous scavengers as they depend on meat, starch, sugar and fatty foods for their diet. German cockroach even eats items like soap, glue and toothpaste when they are unable to find proper food.

German cockroach becomes cannibalistic which means they eat each other’s wings and legs under famine conditions.

German cockroach usually works during night when they search for food, water and mates. German cockroach stays in cracks and in dark areas during daytime under warm and humid temperature.

One of the major difficulties in controlling German cockroach is because they reproduce very fast. German cockroach produces eggs very fast. German cockroach eggs grows from egg to adult in 50-60 days. German roaches baby run as fast as adult German cockroach.

Another reason of being unable to control the growth of German cockroach is that because of their small size they can successfully hide in cracks and crevices which makes human unable to locate and kill them.

German cockroach has elaborated social structure.

German cockroach Lifecycle

The lifespan of German cockroach lifecycle is usually around 200 days. German cockroach lifecycle comprises of 3 stages and is generally for 100 days. The first stage of the German cockroach lifecycle is Egg. 

The second stage of the German cockroach lifecycle is nymph and the third, the final one is adult German cockroach.

Initially, two rows of eggs of light brown color and purse shaped egg capsule are developed in females. The covering is known as Oothecae. The egg capsule generally contains 30 to 48 eggs at a time. Generally, 4-8 egg capsules are produced by adult female German cockroach during their lifetime.

The second stage of the lifecycle of German cockroach comprises of nymphs generating as tiny insects from Oothecae.

The eggs capsules are carried by a female German cockroach until they hatch. Generally, 28 days are required for hatching. 20-30 weeks is usually the lifespan of an adult female German cockroach during which 10000 descendants can be produced.

Damage caused by German cockroach

The odorous secretion made by the German cockroach can deteriorate the flavor of various food items.

This odorous secretion secreted by a large population of German cockroach can even cause characteristic odor in the region of infestation.

The bodies of German cockroach contains a huge variety of viruses, bacteria and Protozoan’s which in turn may cause serious issues to human inhabitants of that region.

Ways to kill/control German cockroach

Following are some of the ways through which population of German cockroach can be controlled or degraded in a region.

Performing Surveys

A detailed inspection is required for controlling the existence of German cockroach.

Cockroach survey is essential to reveal all cockroach foraging areas and the extent of the infestation. Placing different cockroach trap at specific locations could prove beneficial.

For effective control placing cockroach trap at appropriate places is beneficial as well as necessary.

Maintaining sanitation

Sanitation in household and working place is the most important and effective way to prevent the existence of German cockroach.

Cleaning of spilled foodstuff on the floor, cleaning of dirty dishes in the night only, storing food items such as cookies, crackers, sweet items in airtight containers, disposing of garbage in a proper way on daily basis are some ways to maintain sanitation.

Repairing of cracks and holes in walls, areas where pipe passes are some necessary recommendations to control the existence of German cockroach.


It is one of the most common ways of controlling the German cockroach. Using gel baits is an effective way of eliminating German cockroach and mostly results in a dead cockroach.

Gel baits are applied along the door sides, drainpipes of kitchen, cracks, and crevices in wall and furniture etc to prevent German cockroach in these areas. Baiting station is another way to kill German cockroach.

Baiting station comprises of the house like structure made with plastic containing poison. German cockroach enters the house like structure through holes to eat the poisonous bait.

The baiting stations can be placed in suspected areas of the existence of German cockroach in-house and work areas.

Use of sticky cockroach trap which contains pheromones is another way to kill German cockroach. These kinds of cockroach trap attract German cockroach, on entering which the cockroach dies because of suffocation.

Use of chemicals such as Boric acid

Applying thin layers of such chemicals is also an effective way to kill German cockroach. Applying thick layers of boric acid may be detected by the German cockroach, so thin layer is preferred.

The chemicals can be spread in cracks in walls, corners, broken furniture etc as these places tend to have German cockroach.

Palmetto bug

Palmetto Bug

Image Source: Terminix

The scientific name of palmetto bug is Eurycotis floridana. Palmetto bug belongs to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, Insecta class, Blattodea order, and Blattidae family with Eurycotis as a genus.

Palmetto bug is 30 to 40 mm in length and is similar to female oriental cockroach in its appearance and is often mistaken for its identity.

Palmetto bug is also known as Florida woods cockroach, Florida sunk roach, Florida stinks roach, skunk roach, stinking cockroach, and stink roach.

Palmetto bug on being disturbed release foul smell which can spread up to 1 m. Palmetto bug is a virus spreading bug containing lots of bacteria within it.

The speed of palmetto bug is much slower than that of other species of the cockroach. Palmetto bug usually lives in damp locations, under moist temperature.

Palmetto bug is found in Florida and West Indies. It is rarely found in households and do not falls under the category of household pests.

Palmetto bug cannot tolerate cold climate, thus lives in war climate places such as wells, leaf litter, holes in the tree, under bushes, wooded area etc. Palmetto usually hides under the palm tree.

Palmetto bug is blackish brown or reddish color in its appearance with short forewings and absent hind wings. The foul smell generated by palmetto bug can cause irritation to human eyes, this is harmful.

What do palmetto bugs eat? Palmetto bug feed on meat and plants, thus sometimes may bite humans in the shortage of food. Except for a red mark, palmetto bug bite has no adverse effect on human beings. Palmetto bugs can even live without food and water for 2-3 months.

Palmetto bug causes digestive diseases to humans, and some humans are allergic to the mere existence of palmetto bugs or any type of cockroach. Palmetto bug is active at night and moves around in groups.

Both male and female palmetto bug have wings and can fly over short distances as well as the palmetto bug can glide from the top of a building to the bottom.
Palmetto bug lives for a year. 6-12 months are required by a nymph to be an adult palmetto bug. Areas with palmetto bug droppings, foul smell, shredded skin all over chew marks on things made up of glue indicate that there is palmetto bug infestation in that area.

Ways to kill/control Palmetto Bug

Following are some of the ways through which population of palmetto bug can be controlled or degraded in a region.
Water attracts palmetto bug more than the foodstuff. It one of the major causes of cockroaches existence. Repair any leakage of water pipes in the washroom, kitchens to prevent the existence of the palmetto bug.

Cracks and crevices are the most popular location where palmetto bug resides. Repairing such cracks and crevices with copper mesh or wood could help to prevent palmetto bug residing in them.

Boric acid is all time famous for killing the palmetto bug and any other type of cockroach. It can kill both the ways externally as well as when ingested.

Roach motel, a cockroach trap proves to be an effective way to kill the palmetto bug.

Diatomaceous Earth is a less toxic way to kill the palmetto bug. When palmetto bug walks over the powder, its crystals scratch away their feet because of which they dehydrate and as a result die.

How to get rid of roaches?

If the cockroach makes a place in your house, it is quite difficult to clean the house and kill all of them. First, identify cockroach and collect information about the cockroach, about its type mainly. Also, identify the intensity of cockroach infestation. There are various ways that answer the question how to get rid of roaches? As well as How to catch a cockroach? Some of them are as follows:

  • Prevent the cockroach from accessing water by eliminating all sources of water. Most of the species can survive without water but only for one week. Lack of water will make the go out to in search of water and will reduce the strength of roaches in house.
  • Maintaining sanitation in-house is the most effective way to prevent the existence of the roaches in house. Cockroach prevention is better than first letting them in and then killing them.
    Keeping all the foodstuff protected and in proper containers helps to prevent the cockroach from being attracted to your house.
  • Dispose of the garbage generated daily in a proper way without littering it around will help to reduce the population of roaches in house.
  • Using baiting mechanism to prevent the cockroach from entering the house, or killing the cockroach is an effective cockroach killer.
  • Insecticides also prove to be a good alternative to kill the cockroach. It could be powdered insecticide or insecticide cockroach spray or even in liquid form. It is a great example of a cockroach repellent.
    Seeking professional help is another alternative for killing the cockroach as they are specialists in dealing with cockroaches.
  • Sealing the entry points through which the cockroach seek-in can also prevent the existence of the roaches in-house and work areas.
  • Making the cockroach intake bleach through bait or making them drown in bleach also works well in killing the cockroach. Bleach is a great cockroach killer.
  • Using home remedies such as a mixture of baking soda and sugar, fabric softener, bay leaves along with mortar and pestle, lemon juice, coffee can help to get rid of cockroaches.
  • Boric acid is the famous roach killer. Using cockroach spray of boric acid is a good alternative to kill the cockroach. It is the most used way to get rid of cockroaches.

Baby Cockroach

Baby cockroach is smaller in size than adult cockroaches. Baby cockroach is also sometimes known as a nymph or juvenile cockroach. Baby cockroach posses only some features of adult cockroach and are not completely developed. In other words, baby cockroach is an immature version of the cockroach which just hatched from the egg.

Do baby cockroaches fly? Well, wings are absent in baby cockroach, thus they cannot fly. That’s one way of identifying that it is a baby cockroach.

Baby cockroach is believed to be a sign of infestation where they are seen. Small cockroaches in kitchen can also be categorized as baby cockroach. Nymphs which have just come out of eggs are also known as white cockroach.

Baby cockroach shows that the cockroaches are breeding somewhere nearby. Baby cockroach is light in color and 3 mm in length in appearance. Baby German roaches are usually dark in color.

Baby cockroach live in areas where they find warmth, shelter, and food. They usually live near the breeding area only until they develop into an adult.

Baby cockroach passes through multiple stages of molting in which it is necessary for them to shed their outer shells. Baby cockroach shed their outer shell multiple times and takes almost 2-3 months to develop into an adult completely. An instar is a period between each molt. Each baby cockroach passes through 6-7 instars to develop completely into an adult.

Similar to an adult cockroach, even baby cockroach can cause a lot of diseases by spreading hazardous viruses. People with allergic issues are more prone to get affected by baby cockroach.

Baby cockroach which has just hatched from the egg can run as faster as an adult cockroach can. Getting rid of baby cockroach is an important issue as they will grow and will reproduce to generate more such cockroaches in that area.

How to kill a baby cockroach?

Following are some of the measures to be taken to kill baby cockroach:

  1. Make your home a no more pleasant place for baby cockroach by repairing all holes and cracks in your house. These are the places where a majority of baby cockroach live and develop into an adult cockroach.
  2. Availability of water makes baby cockroach stay at those places. Restrict the baby cockroach from accessing water by repairing and covering all leaking pipelines in kitchens, bathrooms, near the walls etc. baby cockroach can live without water only for a limited period of time and after that, they either leave that place or die.
  3. Properly cover food items in proper containers, prevent littering of food all around the floor, and clean dirty dishes in the night only. Preventing baby cockroach from accessing foodstuff will make baby cockroach leave that place or will no longer attract them.
  4. Using Insect Growth Regulator does not kill baby cockroach immediately but will halt their breeding process. No more baby cockroach can be produced in that area. Insect Growth Regulators are popular for stopping the development process of baby cockroach into an adult cockroach.
  5. Borax powder is a good alternative to kill baby cockroach. It kills baby cockroach by drying their exoskeleton. This causes baby cockroach to dehydrate and die.
  6. Boric acid is always an effective method to kill roaches of any type including baby cockroach.
  7. Taking professional help is a safer alternative to wipe out baby cockroach population form your house. These professionals are experienced and the best at their job. They exactly know what measure to take and how to follow that method to kill baby cockroach or any other type of the cockroach.
  8. Using natural repellents such as nepetalactone is a poison-free alternative to kill baby cockroach. This repellent can be obtained from catnip, Osage orange oil and from various other sources as well.
  9. Soap water is a home remedy to kill baby cockroach. Making them access to soap water will block their pores due to which baby cockroach will suffocate and die.

Flying cockroach

Flying cockroach is usually seen in warm temperature. Flying cockroach is seen when they are out in search of food and water when they face the shortage of both in the area they live.

The muscles of flying cockroach control their wings by making loosening them up during hot temperatures which makes them easy to fly. Flying cockroach carries lots of disease and viruses as they sit on garbage and dirty areas. Thus the presence of a flying cockroach in your house or near your building may spread diseases in that area.

Many species of flying cockroach gets attracted to light, thus they fly near light sources. One such example is the male American cockroach.

Very rare of species of cockroaches’ falls under the category of flying cockroach. Not all species fly. Most of them crawl and some use their wings to glide.

The strongest flying cockroach is male Pennsylvania wood cockroach. Another flying cockroach which falls under this category is the smoky brown cockroach. Australian cockroach, Asian cockroach, and Cuban cockroach also fall under the category of flying cockroach but they mostly do not fly.

The major reason for less population of flying cockroach is their size. Flying cockroach tends to have heavy body mass and their wings are not comfortable to speed. As compared to insects, the cockroach is treated as big creatures. Thus they prefer their legs rather than their wings.

The major disadvantage of flying cockroach is that they can easily contaminate food items and water in the area they fly. This may cause serious health issues to people living in those areas.

Flying cockroach can also live in holes, cracks, and crevices and are most attracted to heat and moisture. The major advantage of a flying cockroach has that their infestation is not noticed for longer periods of time. When flying cockroach increases in population, then only they get noticed when they fly.

Brown banded cockroach

The scientific name of brown banded cockroach is Supella longipalpa. Brown banded cockroach belongs to Animalia kingdom, Euarthropoda clade, Insecta class, Blattodea order, and Ectobiddae family with Supella as a genus. Brown banded cockroach is the most famous cockroach of this Supella genus.

Brown banded cockroach is 10 to 14 mm in length and is usually found in tan or light brown color. Brown banded cockroach has 2 light colored noticeable bands over its wings and abdomen. Sometimes brown banded cockroach is simply called the brown cockroach.

On male brown banded cockroach, these bands cover the entire abdomen, whereas on female brown banded cockroach these bands do not cover the entire abdomen. The male brown banded cockroach is slender in appearance, whereas the female brown banded cockroach is wider in appearance.

Brown banded cockroach can survive in less moisture environment, thus are mostly found in northeastern, southern and Midwest regions of United States. They are more likely to be found in living rooms and bedrooms in houses. In restaurants, brown banded cockroach rarely exists.

Brown banded cockroach avoid direct contact with light, hence they are most active during the night, not in the daytime. Brown banded cockroach falls under the category of pest species of cockroach.

Warm, less moist locations attract brown-banded cockroach the most. Such places can be like near refrigerators in households, pantries, drawers etc. controlling brown-banded cockroach is a difficult task because measures of killing applicable to other species of the cockroach are not much effective in killing a brown-banded cockroach.

Brown-banded cockroach feed on glucose mostly. A brown-banded cockroach can even eat materials containing glue such as stamps, wallpapers, envelopes etc. brown-banded cockroach even eats sheds of skin and body oils.
Brown banded cockroach is so named because of the bands on their body.

Ways to control brown-banded cockroach

  1. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the tiniest dirt particles from each and every corner of your house. As a result, there would be no dirt and littered food on the ground. Thus it will prevent the brown banded cockroach to be attracted to your house.
  2. Keep kitchen, pantries and all other locations where food items are kept neat and clean. So that there is no availability of food for brown banded cockroach to eat and survive at those locations.
  3. Dispose of garbage in a proper and hygienic way so that it doesn’t litter around and attract brown banded cockroach. Throwing garbage out of your house in a proper place will prevent attracting brown banded cockroach.
  4. Repair all holes, cracks, and leakage points on walls and furniture as these are the locations where brown banded cockroach are most likely to be found. Covering all these holes and cracks will prevent brown banded cockroach from entering the house and buildings.
  5. Using cockroach repellant also results in a dead cockroach.

The lifecycle of brown banded cockroach

Like all other species of the cockroach lifecycle of brown banded cockroach all consists of three stages.

The first stage of the lifecycle of a brown banded cockroach is termed as an egg. Female brown banded cockroach carries the egg capsule for 30 hours before eggs are laid in a protected area.

A female brown banded cockroach during her entire adulthood can produce 14 egg capsules. Each egg capsule of female brown banded cockroach can contain 13 eggs on an average.

The egg stage of the lifecycle of brown banded cockroach lasts for 37-103 days.

The second stage of the lifecycle of brown banded cockroach is termed nymph. This stage usually lasts for 8- 31 weeks.

The third stage of the lifecycle of brown banded cockroach one is termed, adult. The total lifespan of a female adult brown banded cockroach is 13-45 weeks during which a female adult brown banded cockroach can produce 600 descendents every year.

American cockroach

The scientific name of American cockroach is Periplaneta Americana. Brown banded cockroach belongs to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, Insecta class, Blattodea order, and Blattidae family with Periplaneta as a genus.
American cockroach falls under the category of pest species of the cockroach. The American cockroach is known by multiple names such as waterbug, ship cockroach, and Bombay canary. It is often mistaken for its identity with the palmetto bug but is quite different from it. Although the American cockroach is known as waterbug but is actually it is not really a waterbug because it is not aquatic.

Though they are known as American cockroach their native place is Africa and the Middle East. American cockroach was introduced to America after the 17th Century AD.

The American cockroach is 4 cm in length and 7 mm in height. The American cockroach is found in reddish brown color with pronotum containing yellowish margin on it. The pronotum is the region behind the head of the cockroach.
The body of the American cockroach is divided into three sections. American cockroach has an oval and flattened body. The head of the American cockroach is covered with Pronotum. The third section of the American cockroach body is called as Abdomen. This is the place of the body where a female American cockroach carries baby American cockroach. The body of American cockroach like all other cockroach has mouthparts, antenna, forewings and hind wings.

The American cockroach is considered to be the fastest running insect among its species, approximately at a speed of 5.4 km/h which is almost equivalent to human being running at 330 km/h.

American cockroach has a lifecycle of 600 days, during which a female American cockroach can produce 150 young American cockroaches. American cockroach can even reproduce through facultative parthenogenesis. After Locusta migratoria, the genome of American cockroach is the 2nd largest genome on record.

American cockroach falls under the category of Omnivorous insects and feeds on foodstuff such as bakery products, cheese, leather, starch content of books, dead animals, dried skin etc. fermenting food is at the top of the list of the foodstuff consumed by American cockroach.

Availability of water allows American cockroach to live in dry regions, otherwise, American cockroach prefers to live in moist regions. American cockroach cannot handle low temperature thus choose to stay under high temperature.
During warm weather American cockroach move outdoors like in yards, otherwise, they choose to stay in holes and cracks, under basements, residential areas etc. 20-29 degree Celsius is the preferred temperature under which American cockroach can live without any problems.

American cockroach produces odorous secretions which are dangerous and may contaminate food consumed by humans which turn may affect their health.

The lifespan of American cockroach is 90-706 days and yes, American cockroach can fly.

What are the signs of American cockroach Infestation?

Following some signs indicate the existence of an American cockroach in your house:

  1. American cockroach secretes odorous secretions which have a musty smell. Human beings with a sensitive nose can smell and identify the existence of an American cockroach in their house.
  2. If there is an existence of a large population of American cockroach then they can be seen running to dark places in the house.
  3. In dark areas where American cockroach lives, they leave droppings there which is a sign of infestation.
  4. The egg capsules of American cockroach can also be seen near foodstuff.

Does American cockroach bite?

The American cockroach is Omnivorous and eats plants and animals both. Yes, American cockroach can bite human beings.

American cockroach usually bites on fingernails, eyelashes, hands of human beings. The bite of American cockroach can result into allergies, irritation and even swell on bitten areas.

Diseases and viruses carried by American cockroach can also penetrate in the human body through these bites.

Hissing Cockroach

The scientific name of hissing cockroach is Gromphadorhina portentosa. Hissing cockroach belongs to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, Insecta class, Blattodea order, Blaberidae family, Oxyhaloinae sub-family, Gromphadorhinini tribe and Gromphadorhina genus.

Hissing cockroach has multiple names like Madagascar hissing cockroach, Hisser, and African cockroach. Hissing cockroach is 2-3 inches in length and is the largest cockroach among its species. Hissing cockroach has an oval-shaped body with brown color and has no wings. Hissing cockroach has one pair of antennas. It is the biggest cockroach of its species.

Hissing cockroach is inhabitants of their native land Madagascar in African mainland and generally lives under rotting logs. Hissing cockroach does not possess wings and is considered to be a great climber.
Male hissing cockroach can be easily differentiated from female hissing cockroach as male hissing cockroach possess thicker antennas and horns on the pronotum as compared to female hissing cockroach. Female hissing cockroach carries the Ootheca inside her body and releases nymphs only when they are completely developed under female hissing cockroach.

Hissing cockroach are so named because they produce a hissing sound which may be used as assign to intimidate other hissing cockroach or especially by male hissing cockroach to attract female hissing cockroach.

The hissing sound produced by the hissing cockroach can be divided into 3 major categories which are disturbance hiss, female-attracting hiss, and aggressive fighting hiss. The aggressive fighting hiss and female-attracting hiss is only used by the male hissing cockroach.

Hissing cockroaches are kept as pets and are kept under warm areas as they avoid light. Hissing cockroach also recycles nutrients into an ecosystem and has a lifespan of 2-5 years. Hissing cockroach can be a good pet cockroach.

The hissing sound produced by the hissing cockroach is a way of communication used by hissing cockroach among there species. This hissing sound is produced when they exhale out air through their respiratory organs.

Oriental cockroach

The scientific name of the oriental cockroach is Blatta orientalis. Oriental cockroach belongs to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, Insecta class, Blattodea order, Blattidae family, Blatta genus.

A male oriental cockroach is 18-29 mm in length and female oriental cockroach is 20-27 mm in length. An oriental cockroach has dark brown or black color with a glossy body. A female oriental cockroach has non-functional wings and sometimes appears to be wingless at first look.

A male oriental cockroach has a narrow body whereas female oriental cockroach has a wider body. A female oriental cockroach is often mistaken for its identity as that of Florida wood cockroach. Both male oriental cockroach and female oriental cockroach cannot fly.

Oriental cockroach is mostly found in damp locations like sewers, drains, pipelines, bushes etc. oriental cockroach prefers high humidity places, 20 and 29 degree Celsius is considered as ideal temperature for oriental cockroach to live in.

The lifespan of oriental cockroach is usually 1 – 1.5 years and 6-12 months are required for oriental cockroach nymphs to develop. Oriental cockroach feeds on decaying matter and is mostly seen feeding on garbage and left out a content of empty tins thrown in the dustbin.

They are also known as a black beetle, or black cockroach because of its color of the body.

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